Whole Community
Individual Preparedness
General Inclusive Practices
- Personal Emergency Plan: My Safety, My Responsibility, My Plan - A fillable forms packet to capture individual health/medical information, in case of an emergency or evacuation by Marilyn Vitale, Westchester Institute for Human Development. info@WIHD.org
- File of Life Template KY_508 - Fillable form for perople with disabilities to document their care needs and medications in case of an emergency.
- Key Questions for Emergency Plan_508 - Fillable form for people with disabilities to document their care needs and medications in case of an emergency.
- ADA Bedside Emergency Supply Kit Checklist - Checklist of essential items that may be needed if trapped in or near one's bed and unable to get to other parts of the home. Tool to ensure you have the necessary items in your Bedside Emergency Supply Kit.
- Just In Case…Be Ready For An Emergency - The Vermont Agency of Human Services offers practical tips and guidance on how to stay safe during an emergency, especially for people with special needs.
- Get Ready! Alaska's Emergency Preparedness Toolkit For People With Disabilities - The State of Alaska Health and Disability Program provides a toolkit to assist with personal special needs planning for an emergency.
- Ready.gov Link: Individuals with Disabilities - Website resource that provides tips to people with disabilities on how to make an emergency plan and build a kit.
- ARC Link: Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities - Website resource that provides tips to people with disabilities on how to make an emergency plan and build a kit.
- FEMA's Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs - A guide to creating a personal support network, a personal assessment, and a personal emergency plan.
- State of California Guidance for Individuals with Access and Functional Needs - This guidance is based on what is currently known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)