Chemical Agent Hazards
Information by Agent
The Emergency Preparedness and Response pages at the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide clinical and diagnostic information; advice for first responders on personal protective equipment, fire-fighting, and decontamination; and FAQs on the following chemical agents:
Lewisite (L)
Mustard (HD)
Sarin (GB)
Tabun (GA)
Information for Medical Professionals
Fact sheets from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry:
Emergency Room Procedures in Chemical Hazard Emergencies: A Job Aid (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Personal Protection Equipment Levels and Risk (Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program, October 2004)
See more training for medical and health professionals
Information for the General Public
Emergencias Químicas (en Español)
Developed by
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presenting most of their chemical agent resources in Spanish.
Personal Cleaning and Disposal of Contaminated Clothing for Chemical Agents Fact Sheet
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)