The Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) is a partnership between FEMA and the U.S. Department of the Army that provides emergency preparedness assistance and resources to communities surrounding the Army’s chemical warfare agent stockpiles.

What is CSEPP

Learn about the history and mission of the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program – improving the response capabilities of communities near the remaining U.S. Army chemical stockpiles.

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Chemical Agents

Learn about the chemical warfare agents in the U.S. Army stockpile and procedures for emergency response and treatment.

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Get training materials and videos that describe best practices in response operations, medical treatment, planning, communications, and protective actions for a chemical agent incident and other emergencies.

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Get access to tools to help communities develop plans consistent with federal guidelines, conduct exercises, facilitate inter-jurisdictional teams, develop IPAWS capability, and establish JIC/JIS protocols, and more.

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Whole Community

Reference materials, documents, links, and best practices to develop inclusive preparedness practices for those with disabilities, needs, or limited English proficiency.

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The Community Lifelines Implementation Toolkit provides whole community partners the information and resources to understand lifelines, coordinate with entities using lifelines, and serve as basic guidance for how to implement the lifeline construct during incident response. They can be used individually or printed into a binder as an all-inclusive resource. Community Lifelines Implementation Toolkit.


During an emergency, alert and warning officials need to provide the public with life-saving information quickly. The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is a modernization and integration of the nation’s alert and warning infrastructure and will save time when time matters most, protecting life and property. Watch IPAWS video.

CSEPP has templates to support state and local IPAWS implementation on its Resources page.

CSEPP YouTube Channel Visit CSEPP's YouTube channel for training videos.